Then let’s say that is your Open Directory master (the hostname of your server is defined using the -h option) and that the search base used the default setting (the base is defined using the -b option), which would be dc=odm,dc=krypted,dc=com. Let’s take a basic task: searching Open Directory for the diradmin account the attribute would be uid. Using ldapsearch, you can determine whether a search base is good, whether a directory service responds to a given request and validate some assumptions you may have about an LDAP environment. In OS X, there are a number of tools that will look up directory service information. Most of these have to do with connecting systems of different platforms with one another. Need to perform lookups on Open Directory from Linux? Need to determine a search base to use an LDAP plug-in for a third party with Active Directory? Determining the layout of a directory service can be important for a number of tasks.